How to Achieve Leadership Excellence in the Automotive Business Realm

Written By: RICK ULIN
POSTED ON June 24, 2024

The times, they are a-changin'—and leadership excellence isn't a buzzword; it's a necessity. NCM Associates understands the unique challenges and opportunities automotive leaders face in their day-to-day operations, which is why we're committed to providing the tools, resources, and insights needed to thrive.  

We talked with NCM expert Rick Ulin to help you learn more about how to achieve leadership excellence in your automotive business.  

Navigating Roadblocks to Excellence  

The path to leadership excellence in the automotive industry isn't always smooth. One of the most common hurdles is the promotion of individuals into roles where they oversee departments or operations they may not be intimately familiar with. This can create a disconnect between leaders and their teams, making it difficult to drive change effectively.  

The NCM Institute recognizes this challenge and offers over 30 training courses designed to empower leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. These courses are led by seasoned experts who have walked in your shoes, providing real-world insights and practical strategies for overcoming the obstacles that stand in the way of excellence.  

Leveraging Key Insights for Success  

Knowledge is power, and NCM's automotive Benchmark reports offer a treasure trove of data-driven insights. These reports provide a valuable benchmark for dealership leaders, allowing them to compare their performance against industry standards.  

"Goals and targets are important in any business, but sometimes leaders can set unrealistic expectations for their team," said Ulin.  

This information is not just about keeping score; it's about setting realistic goals and expectations for your team. That's why NCM's Benchmarks and tools empower leaders to check the math and ensure that their goals are attainable. When your team sees that others are achieving similar targets, it reinforces the idea that success is within reach, boosting morale and motivation.  

Harnessing the Power of Technology  

Technology is always advancing, and NCM's suite of software solutions is designed to streamline operations and provide critical insights. For example, our Axcessa software condenses vast amounts of data into a personalized dashboard, enabling leaders to monitor key metrics and make informed decisions.  

Think of it as a pilot's instrumentation panel. Just as pilots rely on their instruments to navigate safely, Ulin said, dealership leaders can leverage Axcessa to stay on course, identify potential turbulence, and ensure a smooth flight toward excellence.  

Investing in Executive Education  

NCM Institute's executive courses are a powerful catalyst for leadership development. The General Management Executive Program (GMEP), for example, provides a comprehensive overview of dealership operations, equipping leaders with a well-rounded understanding of their business. Instructors for these courses aren't just experts in theory—they've lived and breathed the automotive world, ensuring that the knowledge they impart is practical and relevant.  

Other courses like Effective Leadership, STAR I (Strategic Talent Acquisition and Retention), and Executive Coaching focus on the critical area of people development. By investing in these programs, dealership leaders can elevate their leadership skills, build high-performing teams, and create a culture of excellence.  

Adopt Best Practices for Leadership Excellence  

Achieving leadership excellence in a dealership setting requires a multifaceted approach. One of the most impactful strategies NCM recommends is to foster a culture of transparency and collaboration. Involve your team in the challenges and opportunities facing the dealership and empower them to be part of the solution.  

In turn, you can achieve leadership excellence in your automotive business. Reach out to NCM Associates and learn how we help you on your path toward building success from the top down.